Get your copy of the 30 DAY GUT & METABOLIC RESET book now!

Get your copy of the 30 DAY GUT & METABOLIC RESET book now!

The 30-day Gut & Metabolic Reset program is a transformative journey which focuses on improving two key pillars of wellbeing - your metabolic health and your gut.

The Reset book is now available for purchase without 1-on-1 consults, so you can do the Reset on your own. The Reset book contains all the tips, tricks and recipes you will need to succeed.

GUT LAB foods that heal

……coming back soon!

We remember how good the Gut Lab bone broth concentrate was too. Watch this space!

How good is the water you are drinking?

  • Quality water is vital for health. If it ain't well, you ain't well!

    Peak physical and mental performance is not possible without good quality water. We are made up of 70% water, and every aspect of our physical and mental activity is affected by hydration and the quality of our drinking water. Nervous system regulation, muscle recovery, sleep, and daily metabolic function depends on mineral balance, merited largely by water quality.

    Quality water is vital for health. If it ain't well, you ain't well!
  • Tap water contains harmful things and lacks beneficial minerals.

    Fluoride and other harmful substances are detrimental to your brain and wellbeing. Check out my blog post in the blogs tab on why. The benefits of drinking alkalised, remineralised water are invaluable to health and organ function, evident by the world class athletes who will not accept anything less. Plus, the pure clean taste is just like water from a natural mineral source.

    Tap water contains harmful things and lacks beneficial minerals.
  • WatersCo filters get rid of the crap, and add in the good stuff.

    I love my bench-top filter and carry filtered water with me everywhere. I wash all fresh produce in filtered water, and use it for all cooking. WatersCo offer portable, domestic, commercial, and shower filter systems. Each filter comes with a lifetime warranty and enough filters to last years, making it the best value on the market. You won’t regret investing in quality water.

    WatersCo filters get rid of the crap, and add in the good stuff.