My (almost famous) gut friendly seedy paleo bread :)

Loved by friends, family, clients all over the world, and kids. Addictive, nourishing, and totally guilt free!

Gluten free (well obviously!), keto, paleo, sugar free, easy on the digestive system and gut friendly.


1 cup almond meal or almond flour (almond meal contains the skin, almond flour is from blanched almonds)

1 / 2 cup of hemp flour, flax meal, sesame seed flour or alternative of choice

3 tablespoons of coconut flour

6 tablespoons sunflower seeds

6 tablespoons of pumpkin seeds

4 tablespoons of chia seeds

3 tablespoons of flax seeds

1 / 3 cup slivered almonds

1 tsp basking soda

1 tsp baking powder

1 / 2 tsp salt

4 eggs at room temperature

1 / 3 cup olive oil

3 / 4 cup almond or coconut milk

1 tablespoon raw honey (optional)

1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar (which helps activate the baking soda)

….and if you like some sweetness, 3 / 4 chopped dates

1 tsp cinnamon


  1. Alternate flours can be used. Don’t be too fussed if you mix the amounts around - creativity is welcomed! We love using black sesame seed flour and hemp seeds. Hemp seed flour can make it a bit dry and crumbly but hemp seeds work nicely!

  2. Seeds can also be alternated. Chopped walnuts are an awesome swap!

  3. Dates and cinnamon give the bread a sweeter taste. Sooooo good with melted grassfed better when freshly baked!

  4. Savoury toppings are also epic on this bread - try butter, smashed avo, some whole sardines, and slices of tomato with salt n pepper. This is how I got my 3 year old into sardines! :)


Preheat oven to 175C

Mix all the seeds in a big bowl and set aside 3 tablespoons (for topping)

Add almonds, almond meal and other flours. Combine evenly.

Add baking soda, baking powder, salt.

In a seperate bowl whisk eggs, and add milk, oil and honey. Stir through.

Pour wet mix into dry mix and combine evenly.

Add dates and cinnamon if using them.

Lastly, add apple cider vinegar.

Let the batter rest while you grease and line and 8” x 4” loaf tin.

Pour the mix in and sprinkle reserved seeds on top.

Bake in hot oven for 45 minutes or until golden brown on top and a skwere comes out clean.

Remove from oven and allow to cool before removing bread from pan and serving.

A note on the absence of gluten:

The absence of gluten means it is not ‘glued together’ as well as glutionous breads. The gluey nature of gluten is helpful in this sense, but it is also one of glutens characteristics in the body that does harm, so I reckon it’s a worthwhile sacrifice! This bread holds together best once cooled, and when sliced into generous slices. Think - chunky slice with sandwich fillings placed on top, not so much in between 2 slices! ENJOY, and, you’re welcome ;)


Respiratory elixir!


Healthy frittata “Pizza”! …loved by kids too.